The Evolution of Humor and Music: From Ancient Times to Today's Age


3/28/20234 min read

The Evolution of Humor and Music, Monkey Paying guitar
The Evolution of Humor and Music, Monkey Paying guitar

In this post we explore the evolution of humor and music, and how both have evolved since the ancient times to current's day and age.

Many of us, who were born in the 80's and 90's have come from an age where internet wasn't still a thing, an era where computers who were capable of showing Gifs and play 3D games felt like some ultra-futuristic technology that was dropped in our planet by some alien civilization who was at least 100 years more advanced than ours.

Long gone are the days where people used to have their source of entertainment be each other.

There was this time in history, where people used to get most of their knowledge from another human being, while using that ancient weird object we call "The book".

But we weren't a civilization made of boring human beings, whose only purpose was to learn and build things.

We organized big events to gather and have fun together.

We had theaters, we had sport events, we had concerts...

Speaking of concerts, there was nothing quite like the excitement of seeing your favorite band live. We didn't have the luxury of watching endless footage of concerts on YouTube, so we made the most of every show we could attend.

And let's be real, half the fun was in the ridiculous antics of the crowd, like that one guy who always managed to get on someone's shoulders and wave a giant inflatable banana in the air.

Fun... Humor... Comedy... Jokes!!

The Evolution of Humor

Of course, making jokes was a big part of our social lives.

We didn't have the constant stream of memes and viral videos to share with our friends, but we had our own inside jokes and running gags that kept us laughing for years and years on end.

Humor has always been an integral part of human interaction. From the earliest days of cavemen telling jokes around a fire to modern-day stand-up comedians, we've always found ways to make each other laugh.

Ancient Times:

In ancient times, humor often involved physical comedy and slapstick, like the antics of court jesters or the ridiculous costumes of commedia dell'arte performers.

As music began to emerge as a form of entertainment, humor became more sophisticated, with musicians using satire and parody to poke fun at the world around them.

Middle Ages:

In the Middle Ages, troubadours and minstrels entertained audiences with humorous songs and witty lyrics.

As music continued to evolve, humor became an even bigger part of the entertainment industry, with vaudeville acts and musical theater productions incorporating comedic elements into their performances.

20th Century:

In the early 20th century, radio broadcasts and comedy albums allowed comedians and musicians to reach a wider audience than ever before.

And with the advent of television in the 1950s, comedy became a mainstay of prime-time programming, with variety shows like The Ed Sullivan Show featuring musical performances and comedy sketches.

Today's Age

Today, humor and music are more intertwined than ever, with musical comedians like "Weird Al" Yankovic and Flight of the Conchords using music as a vehicle for their jokes.

With every TikTok trend and meme having music as their main feature, music has morphed into a vehicle for entertainment while not being the main focus of the consumer.

The Evolution of Music

We could be looking even deeper into how humor as evolved during the evolution of civilization.

But hey!

We must remind you that you are reading this at Sound Tech Insider, so let us also explore the evolution of music before this website turn into "Sound Jokes Insider".

As music has evolved over time, so too has the way we listen to and experience it. From the earliest days of drum circles and tribal chants, music has been a way for people to express themselves and connect with others.

Let us, again have a brief look at the history:

Ancient Times:

In ancient times, music was often used in religious and ceremonial contexts, with instruments like the lyre and the harp accompanying singers and dancers.

As music began to emerge as a form of entertainment, composers like Bach and Mozart pushed the boundaries of what was possible, creating complex and intricate pieces that showcased the beauty and power of music.

Middle Ages:

In the Middle ages music played a crucial role in religious ceremonies, with the Catholic Church being one of the primary patrons of music during this time.

Composers like Hildegard von Bingen and Guillaume de Machaut created beautiful works of religious music, while troubadours and minstrels entertained audiences with secular songs and poetry.

Instruments like the lute and the harp were popular, and music was often performed in courtly settings, with kings and nobles commissioning works for their own entertainment.

The music of the Middle Ages was diverse and varied, reflecting the many different cultures and traditions that existed during this time.

20th Century:

In the 20th century, the advent of recording technology revolutionized the music industry, allowing musicians to share their music with the world in a way that had never been possible before.

From the early days of vinyl records and cassette tapes to the digital age of streaming services and online music stores, technology has continued to shape the way we consume and experience music.


No matter how much technology changes, one thing remains constant: the power of music to move us and inspire us.

Whether it's a soaring orchestral piece or a simple folk song, or even some kind of musical parody, music has the ability to evoke emotions and create connections between people from all walks of life.

And as music continues to evolve and change, we can only imagine what new forms of expression and connection it will bring in the years to come.

We may not have had the technology and convenience of today, but we had each other, and we made the most of it.

We didn't need the internet to connect us, because we had real, face-to-face conversations and interactions. And if we ever got bored, we could always rely on our trusty game of "Who's Line Is It Anyway" or endless rounds of "Knock Knock" jokes to keep us entertained.

Maybe we didn't have the world at our fingertips like the kids do today, but we had something special.

We had a sense of humor and a sense of community that brought us together, and that's something that technology can never replace.

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